Wednesday, September 22, 2010

EOC: Wk 10 Discussion Questions

1.What key characteristics of Ginch Gonch’s advertising makes them unique? Why do you think consumers buy Ginch Gonch products?

They are unique because they make them fun advertising , they use humor and proactive images. Consumer buys their products because they relate to it, just because they want to be kids!

2.Do you think it is ethical to use sex to sell products? Can you think of other retailers who do this? How does it make their products more desirable?

I don't think there is a problem using sex to sell your products, today most retailers use sex to sell their products its about how you deliver the message I think you cal use sex in a way that its ethical but not vulgar. It makes more desirable because people want it!

3.Why do you think Jason Sutherland decided to market to the gay community? Do you think there are a lot of gay consumers? Why?

Because its a niche market, its a good choice since they don't offer many products for them. they have and style that share or personality that most retailers don't offer an product that a gay community can relate to. Yes I do believe there are a lot because his because his products wouldn't be sold out!

4.If you were in charge of Ginch Gonch’s next fashion assortment what would you call it? Why?

" Guess Who" like the game, they want playful kids spirit stuff so I would bring a guess who adult theme to the collection it would be a fun way to purchase the product and since its so popular among consumers it would be fun way to say "guess who I am wearing", more of a I so want to know who!!! lol.

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